sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012

Vera Queiroz

Decidi pintar um poema pra ti,
já que as palavras fogem,
vou caçá-las com um pincel e
prendê-las numa tela.
Há de ficar bonito,
vou usar as cores dos teus olhos,

e a moldura será o teu sorriso.
Vera Queiroz
Dedico te a ti Jorge Pereira

Foto: Decidi pintar um poema pra ti,
já que as palavras fogem,
vou caçá-las com um pincel e 
prendê-las numa tela.
Há de ficar bonito,
vou usar as cores dos teus olhos,
e a moldura será o teu sorriso.

Vera Queiroz

Dedico te a ti Jorge Pereira

Dave Matthews Band

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012

Jeff Beck Tal Wilkenfeld Bass Solo Blue Wind

This Photografh is my Proof

"A "Liberdade do outro estende a minha ao infinito."


"Liberdade do outro estende a minha ao infinito."

"Sou um amante fanático da liberdade, considerando-a como o único espaço onde podem crescer e desenvolver-se a inteligência, a dignidade e a felicidade dos homens; não esta liberdade formal, outorgada e regulamentada pelo Estado, mentira eterna que, em realidade, representa apenas o privilégio de alguns, apoiada na escravidão de todos; (...) só aceito uma única liberdade que possa ser realmente digna desse nome, a liberdade que consiste no pleno desenvolvimento de todas as potencialidades materiais, intelectuais e morais que se encontrem em estado latente em cada um (...)"

Михаил Александрович Бакунин;

Mikhail Aleksandrovitch Bakunin.


Ich bin ein Mensch, der alle Ethnien, Religionen, sexuellen Vorlieben, Kulturen und Völkern respektiert

Nicht unterscheiden, Farben, lieben Sie den Regenbogen.

Sie wissen nicht, was ein Mann oder eine Frau, oder was das schwache Geschlecht... Ich kenne nur den Menschen.

Ich habe noch nie gesehen, weiß, schwarz, gelb oder rot ... Ich sehe andere Kulturen und andere Völker.

Nicht in Heterosexualität, Bisexualität und Homosexualität glauben ... Ich glaube, nurin der Sexualität.

Ich bin kein Buddhist, noch christlich, noch haben Allah im Herzen ... Aber ich habe Vertrauen!

Tragédia e maravilha no Paquistão

Por vezes é bom regressar ao passado para recordar/ conhecer algo extraordinário, algo que nos marcou ou que nos escapou. Há uma dimensão não imediata em todas as coisas, e é possível encontrá-la até nos maiores desastres naturais, como é o caso. O britânico Russel Watkins relata e ilustra a tragédia e a maravilha encerradas pelas cheias de 2010 no Paquistão.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

Da mesma forma que não só os desastres que afectam os grandes devem ser tomados como relevantes, não só os milagres humanos (religiões desde já à parte!) são dignos de nota, muito pelo contrário. A dualidade natural não é novidade. Beleza e destruição convivem verdadeiramente em porções iguais, pelo que nada há de mais subjectivo que a sua percepção. Para muitos, o que se segue passou ao lado; para outros, é assunto tão pesado que não permite ver mais. Para tantos outros, tudo isto fará sentido.

2010 revelou-se um ano negro na história do Paquistão. A inundação provocada pela maior monção desde 1994, e a segunda maior nos 50 anos que a precederam, fez submergir uma área de quase 800 mil quilómetros quadrados, cerca de um quinto da área total do país. Segundo o governo paquistanês, 20 milhões de pessoas - um décimo da população - distribuídas pela bacia do rio Indo, pelas províncias de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sind, Punjab e Baluchistão, foram directamente afectadas.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

Com as cheias, que reclamaram quase duas mil vidas, veio a destruição das infraestruturas, das colheitas, e também doenças como a cólera ou a malária, resultado das más condições sanitárias e da falta de água potável. Muitos viriam ainda a perecer, indirectamente, naquele que foi considerado um dos maiores desastres naturais do século XXI, quer pelo seu alcance geográfico - do Planalto Tibetano ao Mar Arábico - quer pela percentagem de população afectada ou pelo impacto económico causado. Combinando o tsunami do Oceano Índico em 2004, o sismo de 2005 que também assolou o Paquistão e o sismo de 2010 no Haiti, não foram atingidas tantas pessoas ou uma área maior, ainda que muitos mais tenham morrido.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

A ajuda internacional foi prestada a uma escala correspondente à da calamidade; no entanto, o sofrimento das populações de algumas regiões continua até hoje, e a já grande divisão entre classes aumentou muito.

O tema integrou os jornais de todo o mundo, é certo, mas esta informação não causou o impacto de eventos como o 11 de Setembro, e talvez por isso não se imprimiu na memória dos espectadores. A selecção da informação é isso mesmo: uma selecção, tão subjectiva, humana e possível como a escolha das imagens que ilustram estas palavras, imagens estas que pela sua singularidade isolaram do caos da destruição a beleza digna de registo mental, pois a destruição, essa, é banal.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

Muitos meses passados sobre a cheia inicial de Julho de 2010, e já no período de calmaria depois da tempestade no qual tudo parece parar, reunindo forças para começar a recompor-se, o fotógrafo Russel Watkins, ao serviço do Departamento Britânico para o Desenvolvimento Internacional, encontrou na ainda bastante alagada província de Sind algo surpreendente, um modelo de esperança, à escala. Num fenómeno sem precedentes para os próprios habitantes locais, lentamente regressando ao pouco que a água deixou, surgiu no seio da destruição, em cada árvore, um microescossistema.

Para fugir à rápida subida das águas, que nalgumas zonas ultrapassou os seis metros, milhões de aranhas encontraram nas poucas árvores disponíveis o único porto seguro. A sobrepopulação fez com que, em pouco tempo, estas se assemelhassem a grandes casulos de seda, destacando-se no horizonte da agora inóspita região agrícola. Muito mais do que um quadro de rara beleza, uma estranha beleza nascida do alto contraste com o cenário circundante, as fotografias de Watkins revelam a força com que aqueles pequenos animais se agarraram à vida, e às árvores, ao mesmo tempo que escondem uma ajuda não premeditada às populações da província do sul.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

A massiva quantidade de água estagnada, que tanto tempo levou a recuar, tornou-se um paraíso para uma outra espécie animal, o mosquito, criando as condições ideais à reprodução deste portador do parasita da malária. Os mosquitos rapidamente se tornaram um dos maiores problemas nas áreas afectadas pelas cheias mas, na província de Sind, as árvores cobertas de teias de aranhas predadoras desempenharam um papel inesperado e fundamental, reduzindo exponencialmente o número de mosquitos e tornando, consequentemente, pontuais os casos de malária.

A beleza destas imagens fê-las correr o mundo numa altura em que da tragédia que silenciosamente contam nem um eco, talvez, se encontrava. No cenário da destruição experienciada pelo Paquistão, um pequeno milagre destacou-se, relembrando a capacidade de adaptação e de regeneração da natureza, sem par, nem entre a raça humana. Mas Russel Watkins frisa que ainda que a natureza tenha inadvertidamente favorecido o Homem, uma outra realidade se lhe seguiria: muitas das já poucas árvores morreriam cobertas de teias, perdendo as populações o abrigo natural das altíssimas temperaturas de Verão... Sempre a dimensão mutável, circular e dual do Universo.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.

2010, aranhas, catastrofe, cheias, ecossistema, monção, paquistao, russel, watkins
© UK Department for International Development/Russell Watkins.



domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

Osho - Why do you like your Rolls Royces so much?


Foto: > Osho’s Rolls Royces

Why do you like your Rolls Royces so much?
I have tried all kinds of cars; and even Rolls Royce has many types and I have tried them too. Their best is the Corniche, but it doesn't suit me. It is a question of my back. I need a certain kind of chair—I use only this chair. It has been made by my sannyasins exactly to give support to my back, because doctors have said that they cannot do anything more.
Experts from England were called to India. They tried hard, and they said, "It is impossible. You will have to live with it." It was just a coincidence that one of the models of Rolls Royce, Silver Spur, suited me. The driver's seat in that car fits perfectly, gives me no trouble. Naturally, my people love….
They don't belong to me, those cars—nothing belongs to me. I am the poorest man in the whole world, living the richest life possible. My people love me; they want to do something for me. All those cars belong to the commune. They have made them available to me for one hour each day. I don't know which car they are bringing, but one thing is certain, that I can be comfortable only in a Silver Spur. And they love me so much that they are trying to have three hundred and sixty-five Rolls Royces, one for every day. And I say, "Why not? A great idea!"…
They have arranged ninety Rolls Royces, and I know they will be able to manage three hundred and sixty-five. last210

People are very much interested in your Rolls Royces. What do You want to prove with this, so many cars and so much luxury around You?
Why are people concerned? Then certainly they need it; then more Rolls Royces will be here. Until they stop asking me, more and more Rolls Royces are going to be here. Now it has to be seen that it is a challenge: the day nobody asks me about Rolls Royces, they will not be coming.
People's interest in Rolls Royces shows their mind. They are not interested what is happening here. They don't ask about meditation, they don't ask about sannyas, they don't ask about people's life, love, the laughter that happens in this desert. They only ask about Rolls Royces. That means I have touched some painful nerve. And I will go on pressing it till they stop asking.
I am not a worshipper of poverty. That's what those Rolls Royces prove. I respect wealth. Nobody before me had the guts to say it. The pope cannot say that he respects wealth, although he is the wealthiest man on the earth.
I am not a hypocrite. I am the poorest man on the earth. I don't have a single cent with me. But I want to show these people what attracts their mind. If there were no Rolls Royces here, perhaps there would be nothing for the whole world ask about me, about you, about meditation, about initiation into sannyas, about love, about anything. It is for those idiots that I am keeping all those Rolls Royces, because they cannot move their eyes away from those Rolls Royces. And meanwhile I will go on pouring other things in their minds. Without those Rolls Royces they would not have asked a single question.
Those Rolls Royces are doing their work. Every idiot around the world is interested in them. And I want them to be somehow interested—in anything in Rajneeshpuram. Then we will manage about other things.
So tell those people—when anybody asks, tell them that "These Rolls Royces are for you idiots. Otherwise you are not interested in anything." Once they stop asking about Rolls Royces, then I will have to think of something else, whether to have rockets which are going to the moon…. I will have to think of something else. last403

I received a letter from a bishop of Wasco County, who had been for almost five years condemning my Rolls Royces. In every Sunday sermon he was not preaching Jesus Christ, he was preaching me and my Rolls Royces. The day I was leaving he wrote a letter to me, "Now you are leaving, it will be great kindness on your part if you can donate one Rolls Royce to this church." Now, this shows the man….
I informed him, "Would you like all ninety-three, or only one?"
And a letter came, "If you can give all ninety-three, that is just the right thing. You are really great. I'm very sorry that I condemned you for five years. You are a man to be worshiped."
It is a very strange world if you understand people: whatever they are saying shows more about them than it shows about the person they are talking about. pilgr12

Just the other day Anando was showing me one book published against me in Australia by a couple who have been sannyasins for three years and have been in the commune. But just looking at their ideas, it seems they have never seen me. They are saying that they were working, working hard, and with their work I was purchasing Rolls Royces. You can see the absurdity: their work was not bringing any money. Their work was making their own houses to live in, the roads—which were needing money, not producing money. But in their mind—and for all those three years also—they must have been resentful.
Those Rolls Royces were not produced by the commune. They were presents from outside, from all over the world. And I was not their owner—I had given them to the commune. They were commune property, and I have not brought any of them with me; I have left them with the commune. Everything that I had has been left with the commune. I never owned anything. But there must have been the idea that they are earning money, and I am wasting money. That is their resentment.
What money were you earning? In fact you needed money to make houses, to make roads, to make a dam—a dam needed two and a half million dollars to make. You were contributing your labor, but we were not creating money out of it so that I could purchase Rolls Royces, so that I could purchase anything. I have not purchased anything from the money produced by the commune because the commune never produced any money. The commune was absorbing money.
In fact all my royalties, all my books, all their profits were going to the commune. The situation is just the opposite—that I had given everything to the commune. Now, four hundred books in different languages were bringing millions of dollars in royalties, and those royalties were going to the commune.
If I had wanted to purchase Roll Royces, I could have purchased my own Rolls Royces, as many as I wanted, just out of my royalties.
But the resentment, the anger, is blind. In the commune we invested two hundred million dollars. Those sannyasins perhaps think they had brought two hundred million dollars there! Without me and the people who love me around the world, those two hundred million dollars would not have been possible. psycho24

Why do you like your Rolls Royces so much?

I have tried all kinds of cars; and even Rolls Royce has many types and I have tried them too. Their best is the Corniche, but it doesn't suit me. It is a question of my ba

ck. I need a certain kind of chair—I use only this chair. It has been made by my sannyasins exactly to give support to my back, because doctors have said that they cannot do anything more.

Experts from England were called to India. They tried hard, and they said, "It is impossible. You will have to live with it." It was just a coincidence that one of the models of Rolls Royce, Silver Spur, suited me. The driver's seat in that car fits perfectly, gives me no trouble. Naturally, my people love….

They don't belong to me, those cars—nothing belongs to me. I am the poorest man in the whole world, living the richest life possible. My people love me; they want to do something for me. All those cars belong to the commune. They have made them available to me for one hour each day. I don't know which car they are bringing, but one thing is certain, that I can be comfortable only in a Silver Spur. And they love me so much that they are trying to have three hundred and sixty-five Rolls Royces, one for every day. And I say, "Why not? A great idea!"…

They have arranged ninety Rolls Royces, and I know they will be able to manage three hundred and sixty-five. last210

People are very much interested in your Rolls Royces. What do You want to prove with this, so many cars and so much luxury around You?

Why are people concerned? Then certainly they need it; then more Rolls Royces will be here. Until they stop asking me, more and more Rolls Royces are going to be here. Now it has to be seen that it is a challenge: the day nobody asks me about Rolls Royces, they will not be coming.

People's interest in Rolls Royces shows their mind. They are not interested what is happening here. They don't ask about meditation, they don't ask about sannyas, they don't ask about people's life, love, the laughter that happens in this desert. They only ask about Rolls Royces. That means I have touched some painful nerve. And I will go on pressing it till they stop asking.

I am not a worshipper of poverty. That's what those Rolls Royces prove. I respect wealth. Nobody before me had the guts to say it. The pope cannot say that he respects wealth, although he is the wealthiest man on the earth.

I am not a hypocrite. I am the poorest man on the earth. I don't have a single cent with me. But I want to show these people what attracts their mind. If there were no Rolls Royces here, perhaps there would be nothing for the whole world ask about me, about you, about meditation, about initiation into sannyas, about love, about anything. It is for those idiots that I am keeping all those Rolls Royces, because they cannot move their eyes away from those Rolls Royces. And meanwhile I will go on pouring other things in their minds. Without those Rolls Royces they would not have asked a single question.

Those Rolls Royces are doing their work. Every idiot around the world is interested in them. And I want them to be somehow interested—in anything in Rajneeshpuram. Then we will manage about other things.

So tell those people—when anybody asks, tell them that "These Rolls Royces are for you idiots. Otherwise you are not interested in anything." Once they stop asking about Rolls Royces, then I will have to think of something else, whether to have rockets which are going to the moon…. I will have to think of something else. last403

I received a letter from a bishop of Wasco County, who had been for almost five years condemning my Rolls Royces. In every Sunday sermon he was not preaching Jesus Christ, he was preaching me and my Rolls Royces. The day I was leaving he wrote a letter to me, "Now you are leaving, it will be great kindness on your part if you can donate one Rolls Royce to this church." Now, this shows the man….

I informed him, "Would you like all ninety-three, or only one?"

And a letter came, "If you can give all ninety-three, that is just the right thing. You are really great. I'm very sorry that I condemned you for five years. You are a man to be worshiped."

It is a very strange world if you understand people: whatever they are saying shows more about them than it shows about the person they are talking about. pilgr12

Just the other day Anando was showing me one book published against me in Australia by a couple who have been sannyasins for three years and have been in the commune. But just looking at their ideas, it seems they have never seen me. They are saying that they were working, working hard, and with their work I was purchasing Rolls Royces. You can see the absurdity: their work was not bringing any money. Their work was making their own houses to live in, the roads—which were needing money, not producing money. But in their mind—and for all those three years also—they must have been resentful.

Those Rolls Royces were not produced by the commune. They were presents from outside, from all over the world. And I was not their owner—I had given them to the commune. They were commune property, and I have not brought any of them with me; I have left them with the commune. Everything that I had has been left with the commune. I never owned anything. But there must have been the idea that they are earning money, and I am wasting money. That is their resentment.

What money were you earning? In fact you needed money to make houses, to make roads, to make a dam—a dam needed two and a half million dollars to make. You were contributing your labor, but we were not creating money out of it so that I could purchase Rolls Royces, so that I could purchase anything. I have not purchased anything from the money produced by the commune because the commune never produced any money. The commune was absorbing money.

In fact all my royalties, all my books, all their profits were going to the commune. The situation is just the opposite—that I had given everything to the commune. Now, four hundred books in different languages were bringing millions of dollars in royalties, and those royalties were going to the commune.

If I had wanted to purchase Roll Royces, I could have purchased my own Rolls Royces, as many as I wanted, just out of my royalties.

But the resentment, the anger, is blind. In the commune we invested two hundred million dollars. Those sannyasins perhaps think they had brought two hundred million dollars there! Without me and the people who love me around the world, those two hundred million dollars would not have been possible.